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Personal Information Technology
An Australian Owned Business
Ph: 0403 248 889

About Us

Personal Information Technology was founded in May 2002.

We are an Australian owned small business designed to bring to Melbourne an easy, reliable, and affordable service.

We can afford to keep our prices so low because we don't have a public access shop front, and so do not have as high overheads as many other small businesses.  Furthermore, we want to attract business, and keep it.

We do not believe in charging rates anything like our competitors, instead only what we ourselves, would have been willing to pay for such services.


Our Mission is to continually offer our customers a reliable, quality service, at a price that makes the upgrading and repairing of computer systems more affordable.

To be a small business able to cater for individual customers, and individual
customer's needs; while making the technical headache that computers can be, easy to understand.

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